Investigation of student recruitment

Last changed: 03 February 2025
Illustration of two humans

An investigation has commenced at the behest of the Vice-Chancellor to explore whether we can increase the number of students applying, completing, and finishing their studies through strategic student recruitment efforts.

An investigation has commenced at the behest of the Vice-Chancellor to explore whether we can increase the number of students applying, completing, and finishing their studies through strategic student recruitment efforts.

Senior Lecturer Lars Johansson has been appointed to lead the investigation, which is currently gathering various facts, ideas, and perspectives both internally and externally.

The investigation team is meeting with several educational institutions, both in Sweden and across Europe, to discuss their approaches to student recruitment. They are also interviewing representatives from the business world, organisations, and alumni. Part of this external analysis is also aimed at understanding how young people think about their future and education.

Within SLU, the investigation team is discussing student recruitment with various individuals and committees working in education and marketing. The students' perspective is, of course, most important and will be collected through two student investigators.

You can contribute

Submit constructive ideas and suggestions to help more students apply and complete their education with us via this form. (Opens in the Netigate survey tool.)

Investigation team

Senior Lecturer Lars Johansson is appointed as the investigator. He is assisted by, among others, coordinating investigator Maria Orvehed. The communications department also participates in the investigation.


The investigation will be partially reported to the university management by 30 April 2025 and the final report is due by 30 September 2025.


Lars Johansson
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture 

Telephone: +46 18 671914