Noél Holmgren, Head of Department
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10 478 40 93
Access the notes and presentations from this year's first Department Council meeting (IR) held on April 18. You can find the material on our shared Sharepoint.
The first IR of the year was retrospective and focused on how the previous year has gone with regard to finances and the goals and assignments in environmental monitoring and assessment, research and education. The meeting was led by Noél Holmgren and had participants from different areas of responsibility within SLU Aqua. The meeting was held both physically on site at Ultuna and via Zoom and was held in Swedish.
Here you can read the meeting minutes.
Here you will find all notes and presentations from IR on April 18, 2024.
The department council (institutionsråd, IR) advises the Head of department on strategic issues and other department-wide issues.
The department council includes the Head of department, deputy head of department, all heads of divisions, administrative head, communications officer, director of studies and subject professors, the chairmen of our coordination/collaboration groups, EMA-representative (Environmental monitoring and assessment), union representatives and a representative of the department's PhD students.
IR has meetings about three times a year.
Here you will find a list of links to our notes and minutes at SLU Aqua.
Noél Holmgren, Head of Department
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10 478 40 93