SLU news

Developing new options for researchers to communicate science on

Published: 05 April 2024

SLU is building a new external website. In connection to this, we develop new possibilities for researchers to communicate science at

A central new feature is a research catalogue linking different types of information. 

"In the preparatory work for the new website, researchers have highlighted their need for possibilities to communicate their research, without having to create their own websites outside of SLU's web platform or always needing the help of a web editor. We will soon be able to offer such possibilities on This also means that we make it easier for website visitors to find the knowledge and skills they are looking for", says Mia Peterson, project leader of the sub project on research communication at 

Wanted: researcher’s perspectives on functions and design

The idea is to provide researchers with simple ways to contribute with web content linked to their research.

"We have a framework for the functions that will be included in the new website, but to get it right, we need to get input from researchers who may be interested in contributing content themselves", says Mia Peterson.

Anyone at SLU who wants to share a researcher's perspective on the design and prioritisation of functions can sign up for one of the workshops in April. Find the dates and links below.