SLU news

Campus plan Alnarp to be revised

Published: 08 April 2024

A project has now commenced to update the current campus plan for Alnarp. This is an important document that outlines the long-term direction for the physical environment on campus.

The campus plan from 2019 is still relevant in many respects, but conditions have changed in several ways, necessitating updates and supplements to the plan. For instance, decisions regarding train stops have been made, and SLU has decided to consolidate operations in Alnarp into three nodes.

"With an updated campus plan, we aim to create a structure that aligns with the needs of our operations, while securing expansion areas for both buildings and outdoor environments. In addition to research infrastructure, we also need to preserve the natural and cultural environments within the area. The plan also serves as an important basis for future dialogues with Lomma municipality regarding changes to the master plan," says Sara Kyrö Wissler, project manager for campus development in Alnarp and a member of the project's leadership.

One of the goals of the project is to establish broad support for the campus plan. Representatives from various stakeholders, both internal and external, will therefore be invited to participate in the planning process. Several thematic meetings are planned for the autumn, where topics such as learning environments, mobility, and attractive student life will be discussed.

"The purpose of these meetings is to examine conditions, opportunities, and limitations based on different themes, considering both the present, future, and external factors. The results from the meetings will then be consolidated and synthesized into a cohesive plan. Before any decisions are made regarding the new campus plan, it will be sent out for consultation to several authorities," explains Sara Kyrö Wissler.


About the project

The campus plan should be viewed as a visionary document, focusing on overarching issues with a 20-year time horizon. It should provide a framework for the long-term and sustainable development of the campus environment and is a joint plan between SLU and Akademiska hus.

The project is a collaboration between SLU and Akademiska hus and is overseen by a joint project management team.

Read more about the project on the staff web.

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Sara Kyrö Wissler, Project leader
Phone: 0703-32 17 26