SLU news

A troubled world affects us all

Published: 06 March 2024

It is with sadness that we take note of a worsening conflict situation in both Ukraine and the Middle East. War is devastating, and our thoughts go out to those affected.

SLU as a university adheres to the principle of objectivity as stated in the Swedish constitution. We must consider the equality of all persons before the law and observe objectivity and impartiality. As a university, we do not take positions on foreign policy but follow the guidelines of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We have signed the Magna Charta Universitatum (see below) and our focus is on high-quality research, teaching, and environmental assessment while safeguarding our academic values and democratic principles. SLU is also a member of Scholars at Risk.
If you are worried or unwell, if you are employed or a student with connections to regions affected by war, you can get support. We are an international university and the situation affects many of us in different ways.

Students can contact the study guidance, programme director of studies/course coordinator or the student health services.

Employees can contact their line manager or the occupational health services.


Magna Charta Universitatum is an international declaration on the free and independent role of higher education institutions in society that was signed in Bologna, Italy in 1988. The declaration is a constitutional value document for the international university community. By signing, the universities undertake to promote, support and defend independence.