
Doctoral award ceremony 2024: celebrating SLU’s new doctors and award winners

Published: 10 October 2024

On Saturday 5 October, it was time for the Doctoral award ceremony at SLU. During the ceremony 46 new doctors, four jubilee doctors and six honorary doctors received their degrees. The Vice-Chancellor Mårten Carlsson’s Award, the SLU Medals for Distinguished Service and the SLU Educational awards were also presented.

The doctoral award ceremony is SLU’s largest annual celebration. As always, the day was a magnificent white tie occasion, accompanied by processions and majestic music.

In her welcome speech, Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel commented on the importance of diversity – not just biodiversity – but also diversity in the academic world. Nature is home to an array of highly specialised and rare species, which the vice-chancellor compared to those with doctorates. There are certainly plenty of doctors within academia, yet in society as a whole, those with doctorates are incredibly rare. With their diversity and ability to analyse complex problems, they can quite simply be SLU’s most significant contribution to a sustainable future.

This year’s honorary lecture was given by Professor Renée Båge on the theme of ancient philosophies and future fertility research. Renée Båge discussed how philosophers and researchers have been interested in the origin of life for as long as we can remember. Throughout the lecture, she shared examples of the latest fertility research at SLU, linking it to earlier theories on the origin of life.

The doctoral degrees were conferred by faculty. The SLU medals for distinguished service, educational awards, and the Vice-Chancellor Mårten Carlsson’s Award were also presented.