SLU news

New version of the SLU doctoral thesis template

Published: 14 September 2023
Dissertations on a row, photo.

SLU's Word template for doctoral theses has now been updated and a new version is available for download. The most important changes are the addition of information about ORCID and CC-licensing of the thesis, as well as clearer instructions and references to support material have been added.

You can find and download the updated template here:

The new version does not change the appearance of the document and if you have already started using a previous version, you do not need to download it again.

New in this version are fields for ORCID, i.e. author ID, and Creative Commons license for the thesis. These fields are not mandatory but a strong recommendation in accordance with the SLU guidelines for publications.

The instructions in the template have also been partly revised and clarified with an ambition to make the support material available in Canvas more visible. Note also that the Word template for article manuscripts that was previously available in the downloaded zip file has been removed as it has only been used to a limited extent.

The thesis template is mandatory for all doctoral theses printed in SLU's ACTA series and is designed in accordance with SLU's graphic profile. Please contact the library ( if you encounter problems when using it or any of the other library templates.
