On 17 March, eight new professors were inaugurated in a ceremony that took place at SLU’s Campus Uppsala. The ceremony was followed by a banquet and dancing at Uppsala Castle.
Five of the professors gave their inauguration lectures on 17 March, while the others gave their lectures already in 2021. All lectures were webcast and recordings are available at www.slu.se/professors. Three of the lectures were given in English.
The web page also has presentations of the new professors.
This year's new professors at SLU in Uppsala. Back row from the left: Marcus Hedblom, Renée Båge, Magnus Karlsson and Johan Gaddefors. Front row from the left: Anke Herrmann, Björn Vinnerås, Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel, Nils Fall and Flora Hajdu. Photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner
SLU's Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel gives a welcoming speech at the live broadcast inauguration lectures. On the left side of the stage is also Malin von Essen, moderator of the event. Photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner
Flora Hajdu, new professor of rural development in the Global South, gave a lecture with the title "Rural development – a global challenge". Photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner
Marcus Hedblom, new professor of landscape architecture, in a conversation with moderator Malin von Essen during the Q & A session following Marcus's lecture. Photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner
The students assemble with massed standards led by Procession Marshal Gustaf Bengtsson, student in agricultural economics. Photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner