
Special call for PhD students, postdocs, and technicians in breeding research at SLU

Published: 01 March 2022

The SLU Breeding Network has currently a special call open for PhD students, postdocs, and technicians at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) for attending courses or conferences during 2022 or in the beginning of 2023, or for pursuing alternative professional development opportunities relevant to their study subject or project work within the area of breeding during 2022.

The call aims to help PhD students, postdocs and technicians working within plant or animal breeding at SLU to cover the costs associated with participating in academic conferences or alternative professional development opportunities, including workshops, courses or books that enhance their professional development.

The SLU Breeding Network will give awards to as many as apply and are eligible on a first come first served basis, but not exceeding the limit of the SLU Breeding Networks budget for this call. Submitting an application for an award is not a guarantee of its acceptance.


Who can apply?

PhD students, postdocs and technicians working within plant or animal breeding at SLU, who are employed, on a scholarship or admitted at SLU during the time of the conference or course or when pursuing the alternative professional development opportunity. The supervisor or work leader must agree on the attendance of the conference or the alternative professional development opportunity.

What can be applied for?

A maximum of 5,000 SEK per person can be applied for, to cover conference fees or alternative professional development events as described below. Costs for travel or accommodation are not included in this call. Each person can apply once for this call.

1) Conference attendance fee

The applicant can apply for the fee to attend an online or physical conference in which the applicant is presenting a poster or a talk connected to breeding in a wide sense. Other costs than the conference fee will not be covered. The conference fee must be paid under 2022, but the conference can take place in 2023. A certificate or similar, stating that the participant will present a poster or talk at the conference needs to be provided.

2) Alternative professional development opportunities

  1. The applicant can apply for the fee for attending a workshop or course, which must be connected to breeding in a wider sense. A course/workshop certificate that states the successful attendance of the applicant must be submitted after the course/workshop has taken place.
  2. The applicant can apply for books that are of importance for the work and that are to be used under 2022-2023.

Application procedure

The application should be made before the book has been bought, or before the conference or course has taken place. Only actual costs up to the approved sum are reimbursed.

The applications are processed as they arrive. Last day to send in an application is the 4th of November 2022. If the application is approved, the applicant will get a written approval stating that the SLU Breeding Network guarantees a grant up to a certain amount.

The application must contain:

  • The applicants name and workplace (department & faculty at SLU), as well as the supervisors/work leaders name and workplace
  • Short description of the work of the PhD student, technician or postdoc and why the conference or course is relevant to attend or why the book(s) are important in a breeding work context (max. 1 A4-page Times New Roman 12 point, single line spacing, 2 cm margins)
  • Letter of approval from the supervisor (PhD students) or work leader (postdocs and technicians)
  • Information on the conference (date, fee, form of presentation), course (date, fee, credits), or book (costs)

Where to send your application

Mail your application electronically as a single pdf-file to Katja Fedrowitz (

Further questions?

Please contact the networks chair, Rodomiro Ortiz (, or the coordinator Katja Fedrowitz (


SLU Breeding Network

Rodomiro Octavio Ortiz Rios (chair)
Department of Plant Breedig, Alnarp

María Rosario García Gil, (vice chair)
Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Umeå

Anna Maňourová (coordinator)
Department of Plant Breeding, Alnarp