
Human-land podcast: Episode 3 available

Published: 23 March 2022

Professor Caroline Hägerhall from SLU shares her vision as part of a new research initiative to gain an improved understanding of the dynamic experience of outdoor environments and its relationship with human behaviour and health through establishing the Sensola Lab at SLU.

The Department of People and Society at SLU, Alnarp are pleased to launch another episode produced by SLU alumni environmental psychology network called Human-land.

In this episode, entitled ‘Environments for human flourishing: time to steer the research agenda away from stress?’ Amanda Gabriel and Hannah Arnett discuss with Caroline Hägerhall in the Department of People and Society at SLU the context of the newly established SLU Multisensory Outdoor Laborary, the Sensola lab.

Human-land explores topics related to outdoor environments for health and wellbeing with experts in the field to understand how an environmental psychology perspective can support strategies for people and planetary health. Each episode is peer reviewed with the aim of supporting wider awareness and education with regards to the environmental psychology field and its application in society. The first series explores how green and natural spaces can support resilient societies.

In the third episode, we discuss with Caroline Hägerhall, the research gaps in environmental psychology to understand benefits of outdoor environments. The current research and economic agenda has been focussed on solving current health problems with a required medical lens, which has helped to investigate the value of nature in relation to stress. In this episode, we explore if we are on the cusp of a new phase within the discipline, with a need to foster a more preventative approach to health within societal landscapes, which is offering an opportunity for new theoretical developments.

The co-founders and co-producers of the Human Land podcast are Amanda Gabriel and Hannah Arnett. If anyone would like to suggest a topic, collaborate, or be part of the conversation, then please do get in touch with Amanda and Hannah through the alumni network: