
SLU joins Umeå Climate Roadmap

Published: 06 December 2022

SLU will participate in joint learning and dialogue on climate issues and continue to actively work to reduce our emissions.

SLU has decided to join the Umeå municipality's climate roadmap together with a number of other organisations, companies and associations. SLU will participate in joint learning and dialogue on climate issues and continue to actively work to reduce our emissions. SLU undertakes the following climate challenges in Umeå's climate roadmap: 1. Choose sustainable freight transport, 2. Switch to sustainable mobile work machines, 3. Make premises more energy efficient, 4. Choose sustainable heating, 5. Educate and involve in climate and sustainability issues.

Climate change is very important, and as a university, SLU has a big impact on the surrounding society, primarily through the knowledge we deliver, but also by showing that it is possible to transition towards climate neutrality.

- We are actively working at SLU and the faculty of forest sciences to reduce our emissions and all good ideas and input on how we can improve this work are even more needed - we have many committed employees who are already contributing but more suggestions are needed so keep reporting your suggestions for improvement says Pernilla Christensen deputy dean at the faculty of Forest Sciences

Co-operation between many societal actors is a success factor in the transition work, it is not something an organization can do alone. Joining Umeå municipality's climate roadmap is an effective way to collaborate. SLU has long had similar cooperation with Uppsala Municipality and the County Board in Uppsala, it is therefore natural that SLU also contributes in Umeå. Here you can find more information about the climate goals that SLU has set up.


Pernilla Christensen, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Forest Sciences. Analyst
Department of Forest Resource Management/Division of Landscape Analysis, SLU, 090-786 85 27, 070-633 73 86