
New report from Mistra about grass-clover to pigs

Published: 18 November 2022
Picture of the cover of the report with some pigs eating forage.

It is possible to reduce the climate footprint of pork by replacing part of the pigs' traditional feed ley crops.

The purpose of this study was to estimate the climate effect from a life cycle perspective of introducing grass-clover biomass as an ingredient in diets to pigs in conventional Swedish pig production. The results show that the climate footprint of one kg of conventional pork can be reduced by around 13 percent by replacing parts of the pigs' traditional feed with grass-clover biomass.


Mistra Food Futures Report #11. Minskad klimatpåverkan med vallfoder till gris – beräkning av klimatavtrycket ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Elin Röös, Stanley Zira, Eva Salomon, Magdalena Åkerfeldt (2022).


Read the report (English abstract)