
Meet the prize laureates in GCUA 2030 award!

Published: 13 December 2021
The two prize laureates for GCUA 2030 award

The Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA 2030) is proud to present the two prize laurates of the GCUA 2030 Award 2021.

First prize laureate: Estee Vermeulen, Nelson Mandela University

Title: Applying a Systems Analysis Approach to Support Integrated Ocean Management and Marine Spatial Planning in Algoa Bay, South Africa.

Motivation: This high-quality research has applied a transdisciplinary, systems analysis approach to support marine spatial planning and provided a platform for stakeholders and decision makers to conduct scenario analyses and explore sustainable management interventions to achieve a balance in social-ecological objectives across marine sectors. Dr Vermeulen succeeds to effectively communicate the results in a clear way and explains very well how her research contributes to SDG 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Dr. Vermeulen will give a seminar about her research later during 2022 and receive a prize of 4 000 Euro.

Second prize laureate: Lena-Mari Tamminen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Title: Transmission and dynamics of VTEC O157:H7 a story about the complex associations between pathogen, host and environment

Motivation: This high-quality research explores the epidemiology of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 - a zoonotic pathogen of global relevance. Dr Tamminen succeeds to effectively communicate the results in a clear way and explains very well how her research contributes to SDG 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Dr. Tamminen will give a seminar about her research later during 2022 and receive a prize of 1 000 Euro.

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