Contact (IT support), phone 66 00: For questions on the templates. Suggestions for improvement or ideas for further development of the templates.
As of Wednesday 20 January, updated versions of the SLU templates for Word will be available on all computers with a standard software installation done by the Division of IT.
If you do not have a standard SLU computer, you will need to install the templates yourself. You will find the templates for downloading, and instructions, on the staff web page on Word templates.
If your department, unit or division has its own Word templates, it is a good idea to check them for any accessibility issues. Even if they are not used to create content for our web sites, properly structured templates benefit everyone.
With the new Word templates, documents and pdf files you create from them will be more accessible - provided you use the templates properly. Do not add elements such as headings with manual formatting. Ideally, you should run the accessibility check on Word and pdf files that will be published on our websites. The result of the check will be displayed together with instructions for how to fix any accessibility issues.
Read more in the previous news notice on updating our Word templates. (IT support), phone 66 00: For questions on the templates. Suggestions for improvement or ideas for further development of the templates.