
News from Head of Department, week 36

Published: 09 September 2020

Have a nice weekend!

Gray weather and students - autumn is here! I have not received any reports of any serious problems in the teaching, although some details have emerged that did not work completely without friction. The study directors are working on this and we will have to help each other. I hope you received and read the Faculty Management's welcome back which came in the email at 10:00 this morning.

On Tuesday, the new system for medical records was launched. First clinic to start was the ruminant clinic and in the next six months they will be followed by the other clinics. The introduction is a process that will take a lot of resources, which means an extra burden both for UDS and for KV in the coming year. We must try to make the best of the situation as we have no alternative to changing systems when ‘Trofast’ must be phased out. When the new system is in place, it will mean much better opportunities for follow-up and hopefully simplified processes. In order for everyone at UDS / KV to have the opportunity to stay up to date regarding our change of medical record system to Provet Cloud, there is a website that is continuously updated. You can find it here: To enter the page, log in with your ad account.

At the prefect council on Wednesday, the salary revision was discussed.There will be a revision, but the details are still not ready. We also discussed the strategy work where the institutions will complete a strategic plan, which shall be linked to our distribution of funding. This has been discussed with the subject representatives this spring and we will continue the discussion on 30th of September.

Next week offers a whole series of strategic discussions in different constellations and a meeting with the joint project management team. Important future issues will be dealt with.

Fia and Dennis say hello that there will be new routines in the cold room at ASIS as a result of changed directives from SVA and kindly ask you to follow the signs!

During week 37, the undersigned will be on site every day.


Have a nice weekend!



This week's information points:

  • Reminder of Invitation to seminar and workshop on SLU-Vietnam cooperation 
  • Reminder of Animal Experiment Consultation Meeting 
