
European cooperation on testing the knowledge of vet students

Published: 24 September 2020

SLU is the co-applicant on a successful Erasmus+ application. The project aims to continually test the knowledge and skills of veterinary medicine students and will be run in cooperation with veterinary programmes in Sweden and in Hannover in Germany.

The aim is to reduce the skills and competence gaps at three levels at all participating veterinary schools:

  1. at student level
  2. at programme level
  3. between the participating universities.

Long-term, this will help securing similar competence in, and assessment of, students regardless of where they were trained. EAEVE, the organisation accrediting veterinary medicine programmes in Europe, is also linked to the project. The project will launch in October 2020 and run for three years, with a total budget of SEK 4.3 million.

At SLU, the group running the project will consist of programme directors of studies for the programme in veterinary medicine, the vice dean for undergraduate studies and any other relevant competence such as the EPU. We hope that the experiences we gain from this project will also benefit other VH programmes. 

Johanna Penell
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Clinical Sciences; Division of Veterinary Nursing, 018-67 34 13


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