SLU news

Extra meeting with the VH Faculty Board, 15 May

Published: 18 May 2020

Substitute vice dean, recruitments and the future platform were discussed at the extra meeting with VH's faculty board on 15 May.

Substitute vice dean as of 11 May

The faculty board decided to appoint Sofia Nyman, post-doctor at the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, substitute vice dean responsible for gender equality and equal opportunities. The assignment runs from 11 May 2020 to 11 September 2021 the latest, for as long as vice dean Maja Malmberg is on parental leave.


The following recruitments were on the agenda:

  • The process of recruiting a professor in veterinary epidemiology was relaunched as the previous one was cancelled because of a possible conflict of interest.
  • Proposal to the Department of Animal Environment and Health to recruit an adjunct senior lecturer in anthrozoology.

The SLU Future platforms

The faculty board discussed the recently performed evaluation oaf the SLU Future platforms and submitted comments on future activities within the VH platform.


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU +46(0)18-67 10 00