SLU news

Use Zoom in a safer way

Published: 06 April 2020

To increase integrity and improve security when you use the Zoom videoconferencing tool, we recommend that you apply the following settings to your video meeting or distance lecture.

  • Set a password for your meeting to ensure participants can only join the meeting if they have the password, or limit the possibility for participants to join the meeting before the meeting host, that is yourself, has joined.
  • Do not post public invitations to meetings, only share the meeting link and the password with trusted participants.
  • Deactivate the option for participants to present content and share their screen.
  • In this Zoom guide, you can read more about different settings for Zoom meetings.

In addition to these recommendations, no information that is subject to secrecy may be displayed or discussed in Zoom as it is never possible to completely rule out the possibility of unauthorised users accessing the information.


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