SLU news

Notes from LTV Faculty board 15th of April 2020

Published: 29 April 2020

The Faculty Board was visited by Eva Johansson who presented the work with SLU Grogrund and Mariette Andersson who presented the work in the Platform plant breeding.


It was decided to establish two positions.


The referral "Program Portfolio Development Project's (PPUP) proposal for changes in SLU's program offering" which was sent on March 3rd, was discussed. A work group was decided to summarize the referral response from the Faculty Board to be submitted to the Education Board no later than April 30.

Subject areas

Subject areas for the faculty from 2017 were discussed. The faculty board was suggested to add the topic "Sustainable animal husbandry systems".


The dean provided the latest information for the university on the occasion of covid 19.


Translated with help of Google Translate


Want to see previous minutes? Go to this page and follow the instructions and select Fakultetsnämnden för landskapsarkitektur, trädgårds- och växtproduktionsvetenskap.. The notes only come in Swedish.

Members of the faculty board
