SLU news

Stabile network and tools to facilitate working from home

Published: 25 March 2020

As employees and students work from home, SLU’s video conference system capacity has been doubled, and SUNET (Zoom) and NORDUnet (Kaltura) capacity has also increased to meet the need for digital services.

Teams and OneDrive

Teams and OneDrive cloud storage services are now available to all employees. Chat and video call quality has increased after service traffic has changed.

Instructions for getting started with the tools.


Several users have had trouble with Zoom, but this has been fixed, and SUNET has increased its capacity to a total of 115,000 simultaneous users. So far, the highest number of users has been 47,000 – there is plenty of room left.

In order not to overload the video conference system, always use Zoom for teaching and live-streamed lectures.

The graph below shows the number of Zoom users in February and March:

graf Zoom


Many considered Kaltura slow as traffic quickly increased with 400 per cent. NORDUnet has therefore increased the service capacity, and it will continue to monitor use to increase the capacity further if necessary.

Below is a graph over the number of Kaltura users over 24 hours:

graf Kaltura

Video conference

"We have more than doubled our video conference system capacity, and we are working on developing it further. However, in order to handle the number of increased users, we request that teachers and lecturers use Zoom for live-streamed lectures and teaching," says IT-Director Petra Lagerkvist.

Ask for help if you need it

If you need help with working from home, feel free to contact IT support.

The Division of IT keeps in touch with SUNET and Microsoft to ensure that the services are working.


SLU IT-Servicedesk


Tel: 018-67 66 00

(+46-18-67 66 00 when calling from outside Sweden)

Open 08.00-16.00