SLU news

Notes from LTV Faculty board 11th of March 2020

Published: 16 March 2020

The meeting started with Lars Edvin Andersson, SLU's property manager, who, together with Johan Lindersson, project manager at the Real Estate department, informed about Campus work in Ultuna etcetera.


PlantLink and Nordplant were presented by Erik Alexandersson.


Announcement of employment and appointment of experts in employment.

Other matters

  • Report and discussion on LTV's financial statements 2019, led by faculty economist Andreas Gustavsson Fredlund. He informed that the LTV faculty is growing, especially in research, but has also delivered better than our mission in basic education. We still have too much capital in many departments. Further:

- the departments are starting to reduce their capital at GU but have a corresponding increase in the capital within the FO
- LTV had a turnover of 37 million more than budgeted (a total of SEK 540 million)
- contract receivables and unused contributions do not continue to increase.
- external funding rate stable for the faculty.
- there is scope for new initiatives for the next allocation of funding within FO and
- the faculty produces more HST than its mission.


  • Information and discussion about the faculty's premises and campus development.

  • Progress report from SLU Horticulture was presented by Sara Spendrup


Translated with help of Google Translate


Want to see previous minutes? Go to this page and follow the instructions and select Fakultetsnämnden för landskapsarkitektur, trädgårds- och växtproduktionsvetenskap.. The notes only come in Swedish.

Members of the faculty board
