+46 (0)18 672232
Since the start eight years ago, agricultural biotechnology has made substantial progress worldwide, and there have also been important developments in terms of policies and public discourse. It is now time to summarize what we have achieved and how we want to go forward from here. Welcome to the final conference of Mistra Biotech.
The goal for Mistra Biotech has been sustainable production systems – from ecological, social and economic perspectives. We perform research in both the natural and the social sciences. Since the start eight years ago, agricultural biotechnology has made substantial progress worldwide, and there have also been important developments in terms of policies and public discourse. It is now time to summarize what we have achieved and how we want to go forward from here.
9:30 Welcome and introduction – Prof. Sven Ove Hansson, Programme Director
Keynote speaker: Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General, Copa-Cogeca
Biotechnology and the society – consumers, farmers and the food chain
Prof. Carl Johan Lagerkvist, PhD student Julie Brastrup Clasen, Prof. Sebastian Hess, and Ass. Prof. Sevasti Chatzopoulou
Genomics and proteomics in the service of selective breeding
Prof. Dirk Jan de Koning and Prof. Lars Rönnegård, PhD student Jakob Willforss, and PhD student Catja Selga.
Breeding for a sustainable potato – resistance against leaf blight
Prof. Erik Andreasson
Bringing a new crop to the fields – the domestication of field cress
Prof. Li-Hua Zhu, Researcher Mulatu Geleta Dida, Prof. Rodomiro Octavio Ortiz Rios, and Ass. Prof. Per Sandin
7:50 Visit to field trials with field cress at SITES field station at Lönnstorp
Guided tour by Ass. Prof. Mulatu Geleta Dida and Researcher Cecilia Gustafsson
9:30 Keynote speaker – Dr. Sigrid Weiland, Secretary of the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors
Ethics in crop and livestock breeding – risks, naturalness and the precautionary principle
Ass. Prof. Per Sandin, Senior Lecturer Helena Röcklinsberg, Prof. Sven Ove Hansson, SLU/Royal Institute of Technology
Breeding for a healthy potato – altered starch composition
Researcher Mariette Andersson and Prof. Roger Andersson
Policy and legislation in plant breeding
Prof. Charlotta Zetterberg and Researcher Dennis Eriksson
Where do we go from here?
Programme Director Sven Ove Hansson
+46 (0)18 672232