Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU +46(0)18-67 10 00
Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel took part in the faculty board meeting on 6 February. In addition, recruitment matters and a new main field of study in bioinformatics were discussed during the meeting, the first of the year.
The Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry has requested to advertise an employment of associate senior lecturer in anatomy, specialising in functional anatomy. The faculty approved the recruitment process.
Following another request from the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, the faculty board also decided to extend Karin Morgan's post as adjunct senior lecturer in equine biology and administration.
The faculty board also decided to establish an employment profile for a senior lecturer in equine studies, specialising in veterinary medicine.
The board decided on experts to assess applicants for the post of senior lecturer in bioinformatics and associate lecturer in udder diseases, respectively.
Due to the proposal of a new Master's programme in bioinformatics developed within the doubling project, the programme board for VH education sees the need for launching bioinformatics as a second-cycle main field of study at SLU.
All programme boards and faculty boards can submit viewpoints of the subject description. At the end of April, proposals for establishing the main field of study will be submitted to the Board of Education, which will decide on the matter.
The operating results for the VH Faculty in 2019 are negative and amount to SEK -0.6 million, which is SEK 16 million better than the annual budget. This is because revenue was better than expected.
The faculty's total balanced capital corresponded to 11 per cent of the turnover. Therefore, the faculty will be charged a capital fee again.
The number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) was an average of 426 for the VH Faculty in 2019, which was slightly fewer than the budget stated.
The faculty produced a total of 994 full-time equivalent students, excluding the equine studies programme and supplementary education for foreign veterinarians (Tuvet), which was, in total, 16 FTEs fewer than the assignment.
Within research and doctoral education, the faculty was tasked with awarding 28.4 qualifications. In total, the faculty awarded 27.5 qualifications in 2019.
Programme director Lena Lidfors talked about the future platform work. All four of SLU's future platforms were recently evaluated, and the evaluation stated that platform activities must connect to the SLU strategy.
Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel visited the faculty board meeting and talked about the process for the 2021–2025 SLU strategy. The SLU Board will decide on the strategy in September 2020. "We are happy the vice-chancellor visited us and showed commitment to our issues," says Dean Rauni Niskanen.
Roger Petterson, Head of the Division of Learning, Media and Digitalisation, also paid the faculty board a visit. He talked about what the division can support the faculty with and what is happening in the field. The VH faculty is SLU's biggest user of Educational Media, for example course films. The division now has drop-in every Wednesday 1pm–2pm. Everyone is welcome.
Additionally, Tove Fall and Ulrika Bäckman from Uppsala University talked about plans to launch a centre of excellence relating to diabetes research. The aim of the operation is an interdisciplinary research centre.
On 22 January, the project TILLSAMMANS was launched. Its purpose is to develop ideas and working methods to create the best conditions for animal healthcare, clinical training and research based on the resources at our disposal. Learn more about VH and UDS Together
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU +46(0)18-67 10 00
Once approved, the minutes will be available in the minutes database.