
ELLS prize for best MSc thesis 2020

Published: 21 December 2020
Markos Managos in the feed laboratory. Photo.

Markos Managos has been awarded the ELLS prize for best degree project

Markos Managos, who did his degree project at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, SLU, has won first prize in the ELLS competition for best MSc thesis with his work on feeding with extruded silage. Markos was awarded for best oral presentation in the section "Innovation in life sciences". The title of Markos thesis was "Extrusion of grass silage and its effect on feed intake, milk production and ingestive behavior of dairy cows".

Bengt-Ove Rustas and Torsten Eriksson have supervised the degree project.

Read about the price holders at ELLS website

Watch Markos presentation on Youtube

Read the degree project report



The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) is a network of leading universities cooperating in the fields of Natural Resource Management, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Life Sciences, Animal Sciences, Food Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Rural Development, incl. Agricultural Economics or Rural Sociology.

Go to ELLS website