
The 50th Ph.D. from Aquatic Sciences and Assessment

Published: 23 November 2020
Woman in front of a Powerpoint presentation. Black and white photo.

When Vera Franke successfully defended her thesis in October, the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment got its 50th Ph.D.

The Department of Environmental Assessment was formed in 1994 by a fusion of the Unit of Environmental Monitoring at the Swedish EPA and the Pesticide Unit at the Swedish National Laboratory for Agricultural Chemistry. In 2008, the department got its current name, the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.

The first dissertation was defended in 1997 by Tomas Berglöf and focused on the analysis of pesticides. The first years approximately one person per year defended their thesis. After that, the number of dissertations has increased and now approximately three persons per year defend their theses. The gender balance between the Ph.D.’s is equal, 27 men and 23 women.

Treatment of drinking water has been the focus of several during the last years and the dissertation by Vera Franke is one of them. Her dissertation focused on different ways to remove PFAS from drinking water.

Apart from pesticides, drinking water and PFAS the dissertations have been about environmental problems such as acidification, mercury and invasive species. Other dissertations has focused on improving the knowledge about chemical, hydrological and ecological processes in and close to streams and lakes. In their research, many of the Ph.D. students have used the chemical and biological data that the department is managing through the data host mission.

Currently the department has 18 Ph.D. students. The doctoral education can be given within the four subjects Environmental Assessment, Environmental Assessment with Specialisation in Environmental Chemistry, Biology and Biology with Specialisation in Ecology.

Here is a list with all 50 theses from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment together with links to each thesis.


Martyn Futter
Director of post-graduate studies
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
Tel. +46-(0)18-67 31 20