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Doctoral theses

Some of SLU's doctoral theses are presented as news. The doctoral thesis is an academic work where the doctoral student reports on their area of research and their research results.

The doctoral thesis is presented and defended at a licentiate final review or a public defence of doctoral thesis.

There are 41 pages tagged with Theses:

New doctoral thesis shows that rapeseed proteins can be made available for food using gene editing

In a new doctoral thesis, Oliver Moss shows how he has successfully reduced the levels of glucosinolates, sinapine, and phytic acid in rapeseed lines. This breakthrough paves the way for using

Doctoral thesis on the future of wheat

On Friday, Lorena Guardia Velarde will defend her thesis on the genetics behind nitrogen efficiency in spring wheat. Lorena Guardia Velarde's research shows that specific combinations of plant traits

Different wavelengths of light can improve plant protection

Plant surfaces are not always a hospitable environment for beneficial bacteria that help protect plants from pests. However, in a new doctoral thesis, Maria Hellström has investigated how different

Lignin – Not as stable as previously thought

Lignin is a substance found in wood that has long been considered very difficult to break down in soils. A new dissertation from SLU shows that lignin degradation by soil microbes can be faster than

Roadside bees and butterflies are affected by both current traffic and historic landscapes

Roadside verges and power line corridors can become vital habitats for butterflies, bumblebees, and plants, according to Svenja Horstmann´s thesis from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Adding wheat bran to bread makes it more nutritious but also makes bread dense and unappealing. New research from SLU is about to change that. By altering the fibre structure, the quality of bread

Improved forest inventories through 3D remote sensing technology

Data collected with the help of drones, airplanes and satellites can today give us a cost-effective and detailed monitoring of our forests, and thus a valuable tool in forest management. Using new

The chemical cocktail in the bodies of Swedish young people reflects country of birth, place of residence and gender

The number of chemicals is steadily increasing in our environment and also in ourselves. However, the chemical mix that today's school youth in Sweden carry within them looks different in different

Prize for doctoral thesis in chemistry

A former PhD student at the Department of Molecular Sciences, Yan Xue, has received the Adolf Gogoll Prize in NMR Spectroscopy for her PhD thesis with the title “Studies of Hyaluronan and Related

New evidence on how microplastics hit wildlife

Invertebrates living in waters where microplastics are present have altered growth. This is according to new research from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in one of the few studies on

New thesis on addressing climate change in agriculture

On Wednesday, Sandra Makaita Madamombe will defend her doctoral thesis on how smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are adapting their maize cultivation to changing climate conditions. The soils in the

Selecting the right tree species a possible key to sustainable forestry in the tropics

Rainforests on Borneo have experienced large scale losses because of both unsustainable forestry and the expansion of oil palm plantations. Meanwhile the resources from the tropical forests are
