SLU news

New Altmetric Agreement Visualizes Research Impact

Published: 09 January 2020

A new agreement with the company Altmetric gives SLU employees enhanced opportunities to learn more about their own research’s impact. Altmetric tracks activity in non-traditional channels, such as Twitter, policy documents and news articles.

To give SLU employees access to an in-depth altmetric service, the SLU University Library signed an agreement with the company Altmetric in 2019. The concept of altmetrics is used to describe how scientific findings are spread and discussed outside of traditional scientific publications. Instead, altmetric data tracks attention on everything from social media such as Twitter and Facebook, news articles and science blogs to official texts, such as policy documents and reports.

As an SLU employee, you can get your own login and see for yourself how SLU's research is noticed in different types of media. You can also download a plugin to your web browser to access all altmetric data for that article directly. The contract also gives you access to "Altmetric badges", which provide altmetric data for each article on your CV page.

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