Department of Ecology, NJ, Agricultural Entomology Unit
The Serbian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management is curious about the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences! During a few days in October Branislav Nedimovic will visit Sweden to learn more about research, education and agriculture in Sweden.
Agriculture is important in Serbia and it has a great future potential. Branislav Nedimovic wanted to come here to learn more about what we do, says Velemir Nincovic, SLU´s external collaboration expert in plant protection in agriculture.
He has organized the program. Velemir Ninkovic collaborates with Serbia today, for example within a big EU-project called EcoStack that aims to combine ecosystem services for optimized crop production.
Branislav Nedimovic will also meet Maria Knutson Wedel, SLU´s Vice Chancellor, and Heads of Department of Crop Production Ecology and Ecology (Carolyn Glynn and Anna Lundhagen). Hopefully this can lead to collaboration with universities in Serbia, for example when it comes to student exchange.
The Serbian Minister will also meet the Swedish Food Agency, Sida (The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and other organizations connected with agriculture.