
News items from the Faculty Board meeting on March 27

Published: 29 March 2019

Project to double the number of students and handover

- We see no contradiction in protecting our well-functioning programs leading to professional qualifications and at the same time offering flexible education, says Rauni Niskanen about the doubling project, which means that we should have twice as many students at SLU in 2027.

The project will affect many people throughout SLU in different ways and the faculty management will keep informed. The Board of Education has decided on a road map for the continued work. Consultation work is ongoing.

For those of you who want to know more about this project, we recommend reading the information available on the staff web and visiting one of the information meetings that will be organized during the spring.

There are still some handovers from the previous management to be done. This time, Lena Lidfors and Kristina Dahlborn were given the opportunity to submit important knowledge about doctoral education, equal opportunities and research issues, which was appreciated by the Board.


On March 27, the Faculty Board made decisions on:

  • Vice dean responsible for gender equality and equal opportunities: Maja Malmberg
  • Members and deputy members of the academic appointments board
  • Members and deputy members of the docent board (DN)
  • Members and substitutes of the doctoral education committee (FUN)
  • Members and deputy members of the programme board for education in veterinary medicine and animal science (PN-VH)
  • Member of the programme board for education in natural resources and agriculture (PN-NJ)
  • Members and deputy members of the board for university teachers with merit-based salary increment (Nex)
  • Member and deputy memebers of the Board for the Appointment of Senior Environmental Assessment Specialists
  • Chariman of the Board for the Appointment of Senior Environmental Assessment Specialists

The names of the above appointed members and deputy members will be available here.

Other notes from the meeting

  • The dean informed about upcoming plans for the work with the UDS collaboration. Groups and workshops are planned to create a common goal and to progress in the process of collaboration. Be  there and shape our future together!

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