SLU news

Changed guidelines for nominations for honorary doctors

Published: 12 March 2019

The NJ Faculty wants the number of nominations for honorary doctors to increase and therefore now changes the guidelines. The change is that members of the faculty's election assembly are invited to make suggestions. Previously, all nominations were channeled through the head of department and then handed over to the Faculty Board.

Now all members of the faculty's election assembly can propose candidates themselves, but the proposal must be signed by at least ten members. The proposals must be submitted by April 1st.

The TheAssociation of Swedish Higher Education Institutions has general recommendations for who can be appointed honorary doctor. In addition to these, the NJ Faculty has its own decided criteria:

  • within the faculty and related areas prominent Swedish and foreign teachers, researchers and non-academically qualified persons,
  • representatives of business and society or people who have studied or worked at the faculty and who have made very prominent achievements, nationally or internationally, which have promoted the faculty's activities and development,
  • authors and artists who dealt with topics that lie within the faculty's areas of interest.

The NJ Faculty only appoints agronomy honorary doctors. A person who has a doctoral degree from SLU cannot be considered for an honorary doctorate. Nor is anyone who is employed at the faculty. It is the Faculty Board that decides who appoints honorary doctors.

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