SLU news

Staff web survey reveals potential for improvement

Published: 07 February 2019

When it comes to the staff web, a lot is working well, but there are also areas with potential for improvement. A majority of comments, and most of the criticism, concern the search function.

The survey, an initiative from the SLU web team, was conducted during October and November to find out what SLU employees think of our staff web. The response rate was high with over 1,000 respondents and close to 300 free-text comments.

’We’re really happy that so many took the time to answer the survey, and that there were so many comments with suggestions for how the staff web can improve’, says Web Strategist Maria Bergkvist. ‘This will be a good starting point for our continued work.’

In the report, SLU’s survey results are compared to a benchmark value – an average for other organisations that have conducted the same survey.

User wish list

Top of the list is improved results when using the built-in search engine. Next is broken links and more frequent page updates, more pages available in English, fewer clicks to get where you want to go and being able to log in just once to access different tools and systems.

What happens now?

We will prioritise improving the built-in search engine. This is already a work in progress, but will continue during the year. Some development work will be needed and the web team, as well as individual web publishers, will need to continue their editorial efforts.

Please email if you (or a colleague) do not get the results you expect from a search. All concrete examples of searches and results help us improve this functionality.

On the positive side

The survey also highlights aspects that are working well. The staff web is seen as reliable and important, with useful content and an up-to-date design. A lot of users also believe that finding contact details is easy.


The last time we conducted a similar survey was in 2014. That time, the results showed that users wanted quicker access to the tools and systems they use for their daily tasks, and this was a guiding principle when we decided on the current design.

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