Marnie Hancke
Research Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU, +46 18 671181
Weeds are a limiting factor in crop production and are a costly nuisance in urban parks. Their management and control are thus a topic of central importance to the NJ faculty.
At its meeting on December 4, the Faculty Board decided to start the recruitment process of a professor in crop production ecology with a preliminary focus on weed dynamics and management.
The Dean will appoint a recruitment committee to discuss the subject area and prepare the advertisement. The chair of the recruitment committee will be Carolyn Glynn, Head of the Department of Crop Production Ecology.
According to professor Bärbel Gerowitt at the University of Rostock, and who is responsible for the departments review of subjects, the dynamics and regulation of weeds is a subject that can lead to great synergies in research at the department and with social and economic sciences at SLU.
Marnie Hancke
Research Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU, +46 18 671181