SLU news

News items from the Faculty Board meeting on January 22

Published: 24 January 2019

The new Faculty Board, including our newly appointed Dean Rauni Niskanen, had its first regular meeting on Tuesday 22 January. At this meeting, the Faculty's Deputy Deans for the term of office 2019-2021 were appointed, among other things.

Rauni Niskanen: Including is in focus for the incoming Vice Chancellor

Incoming Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel, who will assume office later this year, attended the Board of management's internship in Sigtuna in early January, where the Deans also participated.

The overall impression, according to our newly appointed Dean Rauni Niskanen, was very positive and she looks forward with confidence to the upcoming work, where visions and core values ​​seem to be main issues.

It is important that everyone is included in the University's strategy work and Maria Knutson Wedel is keen to encourage a bottom-up approach.

A call from our Dean is, therefore, to start thinking about keywords concerning visions and core values ​​of the departments.

Vice Deans appointed


On 22 January, the faculty board decided to appoint the following Vice Deans for the term of 2019-2021:

Vice Dean, responsible for education at Bachelor's and Master's level:
Johanna Penell, from 1 april 2019


Vice Dean responsible for research and education at postgraduate level:
Dirk-Jan De Koning, from 1 april 2019


Vice Dean responsible for collaboration within clinic-related activities:
Henrik Rönnberg, from 1 februari 2019

Members of Vice-Chancellor's Management Group

A discussion about proposals for members of Vice-Chancellor's Management Group, etc. More information about this will come when decisions are made.

Up-coming election of Heads of Departments

Prior to the up-coming election of Heads of Deparments there are plans for a more comprehensive routine for the election. The goal is that all employees should feel included, without too much formalities being added in cases where it does not fulfill a function.

The background is an assignment in SLU's strategy 2017-2020. Based on this, the Human Resources Department has developed methods and guidelines for future recruits of Heads of Departments. They have prepared documents that describes the assignment as head of department, as well as a description of the process - everything in order to clarify for those who apply for the assignment, but also for those who nominate.

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