Contact, 018-671837, 070-2418024
Understanding the genetics of microorganisms, such as fungi, is important to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms that provide effective plant protection. Magnus Karlsson and a colleague arranged a session in this topic at the International mycological congress in Puerto Rico.
New techniques for large-scale analyses of complete genomes of microorganisms have revolutionized our understanding of the genetics behind complex traits. This increased understanding has important biotechnological applications in medicine, environmental protection and agricultural production, and biological control of plant diseases is no exception.
The exceptional progress in analyses of genomes of fungi used for biological control during recent years have resulted in an increased understanding concerning mechanisms resulting in efficient plant protection.
These mechanisms were the topic for a session organized by the CBC researcher Magnus Karlsson together with an Austrian colleague, at the International Mycological Congress in Puerto Rico in July this year. Among the speakers were professors Susanne Zeilinger and Enrique Monte with long experience of working with biological control.
– The discussions afterwards were very interesting and much appreciated. They resulted in establishment of new contacts for future collaborations, says Magnus Karlsson., 018-671837, 070-2418024