
Capital at the NJ Faculty

Published: 04 May 2018

Just like many other universities and higher education institutions, SLU has large capital, most of which is located at the departments. The capital mostly consists of annual grants which have not been used and for which no work is owed.

SLU can choose to use the capital in operations or risk the government retracting the funds and assigning them to other government operations.

The capital is largely tied up; in the report, it may look like various researchers "own" capital, despite the fact that the capital belongs to SLU. When research teams save capital, it does not contribute to the intended operation. Saving may seem logical to individual researchers, but it does not benefit operations in general.

We must use this capital to generate even more good research and contribute to increased proceeds in the form of performance grants and external funds. This is the result when capital is used for example time-limited employments or to fund career-development positions for associate senior lecturers.


Anna-Lena Herfindal
Faculty Financial Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU, +46 18 672248