
Transforming soil carbon science into policy and practice

Published: 26 April 2018

A workshop on how to transform soil science to policy and practice was arranged by AgriFoSe2030 in Nairobi. Decision makers, practitioners, implementers as well as researchers in the fields of biophysical and social science took part in the workshop.

The East Africa soil carbon workshop – Science to Inform Policy took place on 17th and 18th April in Nairobi - Kenya. The workshop brought together 28 participants from 11 countries, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, Madagascar, Germany, France, Netherlands, and Sweden (10 women and 18 men). Participants included decision makers, practitioners and implementers, and researchers in the fields of biophysical and social science.

 A workshop to echange state-of-the art knowledge

– The aim was to exchange state-of-the art knowledge; review and discuss latest methods, metrics and tools for assessing soil organic carbon and mapping & monitoring soil organic carbon dynamic hotspots. We also wanted to discuss entry points for shaping gender-sensitive policies towards a green economy where carbon sequestration in soils is a recognized component, says Sylvia Nyawira from CIAT in Kenya, one of the organisers.

Discussions on soil organic carbon

During the two-day workshop selected speakers presented a few selected topics. The presentations set the ground for group discussions, where the participants addressed different aspects of soil organic carbon research and the relevance of the research for policy and decision making processes in East Africa.

Based on the outcomes from the discussions, the workshop was concluded by summarizing key action points for the region.


The AgriFoSe2030 programme contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land; the aim is to do so by transforming practices toward more efficient use of human, financial and natural resources.
