
SLU's research on antimicrobial resistance in the livestock sector presented at FAO

Published: 16 October 2018

Professor Ulf Magnusson, theme leader at SLU Global, gave a presentation at a side event on antimicrobial resistance in the livestock sector hosted jointly by the Government of the Netherlands and the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL) during the recent Committee on Agriculture (COAG) annual meeting at FAO in Rome.

The title of the side event was AMR in Livestock: Innovation and the role of the GASL . The event was opened by the Dutch ambassador Hans Hoogeveen followed by an overview of the FAO’s work on AMR by FAO’s Deputy Director General Maria Helena Semedo. Ulf Magnusson then gave a presentation of the work within the Livestock Antimicrobial Partnership, LAMP, which is an action network within the GASL and hosted by SLU Global which was followed by a presentation of FAO’s Chief Veterinary officer Juan Lubroth and the Dutch pig-farmer Iris Bouwers. 


The COAG is one of FAO’s Governing Bodies providing overall policy and regulatory guidance on a wide range issues relating to agriculture.