
The green flag is now in place at Campus Ultuna

Published: 29 August 2017

As the first in Sweden, Ultuna Campus has been given the Green Flag Award for it's biodiverse lawn alternatives. It is the result of a research project run by Professor Maria Ignatieva at the Department of Urban and Rural Development.

The sites are a result of the project "Towards sustainable lawns: searching for alternative cost effective and climate friendly lawns in Ultuna Campus", led by Professor Maria Ignatieva, Dept. of Urban and Rural Development. It is one of five projects that 2015 were granted fundings from the SLU Climate Funds. The project is a spin-off from the interdisciplinary LAWN Project that was run from 2013 to 2016 with funding by Formas. During spring 2016 three alternative lawn sites were established at Ultuna Campus: grass-free/tapestry lawn, Swedish meadow and meadow-turf with turf picnic bench. The project runs for two years and includes maintenance and evaluation of the sites.

The Green Flag Award has been handed out for more than 20 years and is administered by Keep Britain Tidy, under license from UK Government Department for Communities and Local Government.  It recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.