SLU news

Christina Rochus nailed thesis

Published: 29 May 2017

Christina Rochus nailed her thesis about genetic diversity in sheep on may 23 (link to Epsilon

The dissertation will take place in Uppsala on June 13 at 9.15.

On June 13, starting at 9.15 Christina Rochus will defend her thesis in the room Audhumbla in VHC. The title of the thesis is: Genetic diversity of domestic sheep - examples from Swedish and French populations.
The opponent is Hans Lenstra from Utrecht University. 
If you are not in Uppsala on June 13th, the defense can be seen at this link:

After the defense there will be some lighter refreshments. Please send an email to Helena Pettersson ( by June 6 if you plan to join.


If you want to hear even more about sheep genetics after the defense, there will be a seminar at 14.00 in Tanngrisner 1 by Chrissys french supervisor Bertrand Servin with the title: Genetics of recombination rate in sheep populations from combining multiple genome-wide datasets​
