Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare, Tillämpad etologi
The April weather is the most exciting weather now, but hopefully spring will break soon. Our PhD students and supervisors are working to create new research and future researchers. The report on how SLU will work with gender equality integration will be ready in May, and SLU's management is working hard with the planning of the celebration of SLU 40 years to be held at different times on our campuses in September.
Lena Lidfors, Professor at the Department of Animal Environment and Health is Vice Dean at the Faculty of veterinary medicin and animal sciences, responsible for doctoral education and equal opportunities.
We will maintain our tradition of organizing the Faculty's Research Day which will take place on Friday 16th of June at 10-16 with the following barbecue party. The program will contain a theme about "Sustainable Pets", nomination for research Grand Prix, lectures and poster exhibition.
A prize will be awarded to the best PhD student poster. The coffee is ready at 9.30 and the barbecue starts at 17.00. We will be in Loftet or the Aula and video connection can be arranged for those who cannot travel to Ultuna. The faculty pays the trip for those who come from other places.
We are looking forward to that all faculty employees take the opportunity to learn more about the research we are doing in veterinary medicine and animal science and that you want to meet for a nice end of the semester barbeque. A more detailed invitation will be sent out in May, but book the day already now!
UKÄ's evaluation team has now read our self-assessment, general study plan, all individual study plans and reviewed information about supervisors and other researchers that may be important for the PhD student's environment in the postgraduate study subject science of veterinary medicine.
On April 25th interviews were made by UKÄ's evaluation team with four PhD students, two contact persons for postgraduate education, a supervisor, the faculty's study director for postgraduate education and FUN's chairman. At the end of May, they will submit their assessment to the VH Faculty and we will have a week to correct any mistakes. In late June, UKÄ sends the final assessment to SLU.
A big thank you to all who have contributed to the evaluation in various ways!
The effort to fund a fourth year in doctoral studies with faculty money has now been completed. In total, 16 250 000 SEK were distributed to 25 different PhD projects. It has been an appreciated investment which has made it possible to approve more PhD students at the VH Faculty. Other faculties at SLU have also given money to a fourth year, and the view is that this has increased the admission to doctoral education at SLU, which is in line with the management's strategy.
We have a new individual study plan (ISP) since January 1, 2017, and it is on the employee web, but the guidelines are still those adopted in 2015.
We have understood that many think it is demanding to complete all application documents and to keep track of all rules. In order to facilitate supervisors and doctoral students when applying for admission to postgraduate studies or to defend a PhD or a licentiate thesis, the Faculty Director of Studies, Jan Hultgren, has created checklists for checking that the required documents have been attached to the application.
We hope this will facilitate the applications to FUN. All documents and questions should be sent to
The Equally Opportunities Committee will meet on the 3rd of May next time. We have not planned any special activity this semester, but we have discussed arranging an extended lunch meeting in June for those interested in equal opportunities questions.
We could inform about Tina Sjöström's report on how SLU will work with gender equality integration in the future and about what Tina and I learned at the International STEM Gender Equality Conference in Berlin on the 8-9th of June.
If you have seen or heard something that you think we should know in the Equal Opportunities Committee or if you want to talk about activities we should arrange, you should contact Lena Lidfors, Bercem Johannesson, Maja Malmberg or your contact person at the department. Do you not know who it is? Then look at the VH faculty website and click Equal opportunities
Uppsala 25th of April 2017
Lena Lidfors