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The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is featured in the Top 10 out of 26,000+ degree-granting institutions of higher education worldwide in four subjects, among them soil science. The ranking is made by the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), publisher of the largest academic ranking of global universities.
In soil science, SLU ranks as number 5 with a score of 95,19 out of 100. SLU also recieved very high rankings in forestry, biodiversity conservation and veterinary sciences.
– The various ranking lists show some differences, depending on the criteria used, but as a whole they show that SLU is a really good university, not least from the perspective that we are small university. In some areas of research, we are absolute top of the world, and I am very proud and pleased. But the honour should first go to our creative scientists, dedicated teachers and supportive technical and administrative staff”, says SLU Vice-Chancellor Peter Högberg.
Overall, this ranks Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences # 116 among global institutions with the most Top-10 placements.
The CWUR Rankings by Subject 2017 highlights the world’s elite universities in the sciences and the social sciences, based on the number of research articles in top-tier journals., 018-671561