
Hello coworkers!

Published: 23 September 2016

In addition to strategic planning and the allocation of funds, there is a range of other activities at SLU and the faculty. The Vice-Chancellor has recently appointed Bengt Gerdin (Professor emeritus in intensive burn care, UU) to lead the reorganization of UDS. We eagerly look forward to the results of this work.

Portrait of Kristina Dahlborn. Photo.
Kristina Dahlborn is Professor and Dean at the Faculty of Veterinary medicin and Animal Sciences.

The Future platforms will be reorganized and placed under respective faculty dean with steering groups. The platform Future Agriculture ceases and instead Future Food is started. Future Food will be an arena for SLU's research on food in a broadest sense. This includes both primary production and processing, consumption and waste products. FAHW becomes FAH, Future Animals and Health.

The new platform will work broadly and across faculties on the basis of One Health (a collective term for animal and human health and welfare) that from 2016 is included in SLU's appropriation. The platform will also include the One Health related new faculty area raised in SLU's strategy "The importance of nature and companion animals in human health and well-being." The platform's current collaborative projects and work, e.g. lifestyles, will be carried on in future operations.

A workshop about our centers, committees etc. will take place on October 17. Today we invest 10-15 million on these operations. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss e.g. mandates, overlap, receivers, websites, newsletters, and how we best utilize our resources.

Finally, I want to tell you that we are planning a Christmas party on December 15 for all our employees. During the afternoon, we will discuss the VH's operations and future, you will be part of the opening of our newly renovated plaster animals, and then dinner, where you will be assigned to entertain each other!

BOOK DECEMBER 15! More information about the Christmas party to come.

I often think of how talented and enthusiastic you coworkers are - it's really a pleasure to be leading VH faculty.


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Kristina Dahlborn, Dean
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU, +46(0)18-67 21 86