
Homegardens in Sri Lanka provide a wide range of ecosystem services

Published: 25 October 2016

Eskil Mattsson, a AgriFoSe2030 researcher was invited by the UN-REDD programme to hold a key-note address on forests and agroforestry at the "International Research Symposium on Valuation of Forest Ecosystems and their Services" held 18th October in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The title of Eskil´s presentation was “Assessment of carbon and non-carbon benefits of tropical homegardens in relation to natural forests for REDD-related activities in Sri Lanka”. The key-note presentation showcased the breath of ecosystem services provided by the agroforestry system homegardens as an analogue to natural forests. It also addressed results of a systematic review on food security aspects in homegardens that has been conducted within Theme 2 of the AgriFoSe2030 program - Multifunctional landscapes for increased food security.

An inclusive forum to discuss natural resource management and food security

– This research symposium was an excellent opportunity to discuss methods and results on social, economic and environmental aspects in valuing forest ecosystems and their services and to suggest policy recommendations on these topics to the Sri Lankan government. About 400 participants including researchers, policy makers, civil society and media made it an interesting and inclusive forum to discuss and address issues related to natural resource management and food security. It was also a timely opportunity to present results from our systematic review on food security in homegardens as these issues are high on the political agenda right now in the country, says Eskil Mattson.




A panel discussion during the conference "International Research Symposium on Valuation of Forest Ecosystems and their Services". Photo: REDD+ Sri Lanka.

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Madeleine Ostwald

Madelene Ostwald, Assoc. Prof.

Challenge leader of Challenge 2
Department of Thematic Studies/Environmental Change
Linköping University 
Telephone: +46 708-51 93 11



