Setting of salary

When you are employed by SLU, your salary is set based on the complexity of the tasks, competency requirements and problem-solving capabilities as well as responsibility, authority and degree of independence. During the salary review, your salary is primarily set based on your performance in relation to the operation’s objectives.
When is your salary changed?
Salary is usually re-examined during the local salary review. Salary reviews take place every year, normally during autumn. During the salary review, your salary is primarily set based on your performance in relation to the operation’s objectives and the individual goals that you and your immediate manager set at the annual staff development review. Your performance is evaluated using SLU’s salery criteria.
The size of the salary increase depends to a large part on what the central agreements between the social partners look like. It also depends on the university budget. The salary reviewing process at SLU is a yearly occurrence and is carried out in two different ways. The salary of an employee is reviewed either through a process called salary-setting dialogues applies to members of the Saco-union, employees who are not members of a trade union and those members of OFR/ST who so wish or through traditional negotiations applies to members of and Seko and members of OFR/ST who prefer that their salary be decided through traditional negotiations.
If you are employed as a doctoral student, your pay will be adjusted in accordance with the doctoral student salary agreement.
Increases in pay in addition to the salary review
Your salary may also increase if you are promoted or e.g. admitted as a docent, if you change jobs and your new job involves more advanced tasks, or because of other special circumstances.
HR Unit, Division of Human Resources