Vice-Chancellor Mårten Carlsson’s Award

Last changed: 20 January 2025

In 1995, SLU instituted Vice-Chancellor Mårten Carlsson’s Award as a homage to Professor Mårten Carlsson and his work as vice-chancellor of SLU 1982-1994. The award was presented for the last time 2024.

The award “rewarded excellent efforts that have promoted dialogue between society, business and SLU” and was given to people working at and outside SLU. For an SLU employee to receive the award, they must had contributed efforts outside their ordinary duties. The prize money was SEK 50,000 and the receiver of the award was presented every other year in connection with the doctoral degree award ceremony.

Recipients since 1996

2022: Philip McCleaf, Water Resources Engineer Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB

2020: Margareta Emanuelson, SLU

2018: Agronomist Jan Larsson, SLU

2016: ex Senior Extension Specialist Per Andersson, SLU

2014: ex Nature Conservation Counsellor Torleif Ingelög, SLU

2012: Senior Extension Specialist Margareta Stigson, SLU

2010: Docent Torgny Wiederholm, SLU

2008: Professor Hans Andersson, SLU

2006: Forest Manager Roger Asserståhl

2004: Doctor of Agriculture Olle Petterson, SLU

2002: Research Group Leader Bengt Ehnström, the Swedish Species Information Centre, SLU

2000: Operations Manager Torsten Kellander, Torslunda Research Station, SLU

1998: Internet Coordinator Eva Fridman, SLU

1996: Professor Olof Bolin, SLU


Helena Pennlöv, Academy Steward

Vice-Chancellor's Office, secretariat, +4618-67 15 42