Insurance policies

Last changed: 11 February 2025

Information about all insurance policies for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is presented here.

Insurance for employees

Life insurance via SPV

As a government employee, you are covered by an Government service group life insurance. This policy will pay out a lump sum and funeral assistance to your surviving relatives, i.e. your spouse/partner and children.

Your life insurance is valid from the day you start at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. It is also valid during holidays and periods of sickness and leave. It is your family that applies for the group life insurance.

When you are a government employee you also have a survivors pension. That means that your family can receive money if you pass away.

Find out more about the insurance and term on the SPV website:

Remember to tell your immediate family that you have life insurance!

Personal injury insurance (PSA)

Anyone employed in the state sector is covered by the Compensation for Personal Injury Agreement (PSA). This is a collective agreement concluded between the central employers’ and employees’ organisations. This agreement can supplement compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) and other collective agreements for any employee who is injured at work. The insurance is provided by AFA Försäkringar.

This insurance is valid for personal injury in connection with work. An occupational injury is an injury resulting from an accident at work, an accident on the way to or from work (travel accident) or an occupational illness caused by adverse effects at work. Injuries due to threats and violence can also be regarded as occupational injuries.

The insurance also covers accidents when working at home. The decisive factor in determining whether an injury is to be regarded as an occupational injury is the link (connection) that the injury has with the work. This means that you have to have been injured while performing your duties. Examples include tripping over the cable for your work computer, sitting at your computer and answering work-related emails or sitting at your computer and talking to a colleague/customer on the phone. However, the insurance does not apply if you are injured at home in general. Sustaining an injury while making coffee in the kitchen, for example, does not count as an occupational accident even if it happens during normal working hours.

You must contact your manager if you are injured at work. You and your manager must report your occupational injury.

The IA system is used to report injuries  

If you are injured at work, as an employee you can receive compensation through either the Swedish Social Insurance Agency or AFA Försäkringar You can register with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency via its website. You can use the Occupational Injury Guide to find out who to consult and report the matter to in order to get compensation for your injury. The guide can be found at:

You must call in sick if you fall ill because of your injury. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency assesses whether it constitutes an occupational injury. If you are ill, the same rules apply as for “regular” illness. As with regular illness, your employer will reimburse certain costs for medical care, hospital care, some dental care, etc.

As a government employee, you may be entitled to compensation under the Personal Injury Agreement. You can get compensation for loss of income, pain and suffering, disability and permanent injury. You can also get compensation for costs incurred in connection with the occupational injury, such as damaged clothes or glasses. Keep all your receipts!

Compensation for road traffic accidents when travelling to and from work is payable in accordance with the Swedish Motor Traffic Damage Act. This is why it is important for you to report any road traffic accidents to your own insurance company as well. Accidents during business travel are covered by our business travel insurance: see below for more information.

Find out more about the insurance on the AFA website:

Business travel insurance

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has a group insurance for business travel with Kammarkollegiet (the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency). This means that the insurance do not need to be taken out in individual cases.

The insurance covers all international and domestic travel on behalf of SLU. It is valid throughout the trip, regardless of where it starts – at work, home, or somewhere else. For international business travel, the insurance also covers any breaks due to leave at a place that is different from the traveller’s regular place of work.

To be considered business travel, a trip must be directly linked to the traveller’s duties at SLU and be approved by the university. Read more about business travel on the web pages of the Division of Human Resources. There, you can also download an insurance certificate to bring with you when travelling abroad on business. 

The business travel insurance does not cover deductibles on rental cars during business trips. Employees who rents car at business trips should therefore sign a deductible with the rental car company. The cost of this is usually quite low and becomes part of the car rental that SLU pays for. By signing the supplement a very high deductible can be avoided if there is any damage to the car. 

Staff travelling to Russia on business must have a business visa. Business visas are issued by Kammarkollegiet. The processing time is approximately 7 working days.

EU nationals, and others covered by a state social security scheme in an EU country, need to take their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with them when travelling in the EU. You can read more about the EHIC here. For those covered by Swedish social insurance, the EHIC card can be ordered on the Swedish Social Insurance Agency’s website. 

The insurance is valid also for regions where the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against travel.

Learn more about the insurance and the insurance conditions on the Kammarkollegiet website.

Insurance for foreign visitors

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has a group insurance for foreign visitors with Kammarkollegiet (the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency). This means that the insurance do not need to be taken out in individual cases.

You can find more information about the insurance below. See; Insurance for international employees and visitors.

Employment abroad for employees of public authorities (URA insurance)

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences does not have central group insurance for employment abroad for employees of public authorities (URA insurance). Therefore, this insurance must be taken out by the department in each individual case.

The insurance must be taken out for the entire period of service abroad for the staff member and any family accompanying them. Insurance needs to be taken out well in advance of departure. The foreign contract must be complete and URA insurance must be taken out prior to departure.

The insurance is valid during the journey to and from the country of employment and during the period of employment. Both the employee and their accompanying family will retain all benefits in Sweden during the period of employment abroad, which means that they will all remain covered by Swedish social security. If family members have remained in Sweden and come to visit, they will only be covered by the URA insurance during their visit if the university pays for their travel.

To take out this insurance, the department needs to send an email to:

This email must include the following information: Type of insurance (URA or URA with supplementary property insurance. URA with supplementary property insurance is not normally applied at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), the names and personal identity numbers of the people to be insured (the employee and anyone accompanying them who is included in the URA contract), the country to which they are posted, the period of insurance, the sum insured (in the case of supplementary property insurance), the name of the client, the postal address and a billing address and invoice reference.

The policy covers: You have the same right to healthcare as at home in Sweden when you are employed by a public authority and posted abroad. This policy covers emergency medical or dental treatment, for example, and repatriation to Sweden if necessary. If you suffer a life-threatening illness or injury, the policy will cover travel for three relatives to visit you. The policy does not cover regular check-ups or medication for illnesses that have occurred before you travel.

URA insurance does not include property cover. This means that you cannot apply for compensation if your personal belongings are damaged or stolen. For more comprehensive cover, the university can take out supplementary property insurance. (This must be stated in the email when taking out the policy.) URA with supplementary property insurance is not normally applied at the university.

Find out more about the insurance policy and the terms of the insurance on the Kammarkollegiet website:

Insurance for international employees and visitors

Citizens of Nordic countries

There is a Nordic agreement which means that citizens of Nordic countries have the right to the necessary medical care and healthcare and emergency dental care in Sweden on the same terms as people with Swedish citizenship. The person only needs to show a valid identity document and provide a residential address in their Nordic country of residence.

Insurance for foreign visitors

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has a group insurance for foreign visitors with Kammarkollegiet (the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency). This means that the insurance do not need to be taken out in individual cases.

This policy is intended to meet the insurance cover needs of certain groups or individuals who are in some way connected with a public authority and who do not have adequate insurance cover and cannot or should not provide such cover themselves. The university has selected the below categories of individuals covered by the policy.

If a certificate for the insurance is needed, contact the legal department with the request at

Categories covered by the policy:

  1. Foreign visitors to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. A visitor is a person who participates in university activities, either as an employee for less than one year or as a non-employee who is intending to stay for less than one year.
  2. Foreign students and doctoral students who are covered by the general personal injury insurance taken out by CSN but who are not covered by Student IN or FAS+.
  3. A foreign person who completes a postdoctoral qualification at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences without being an employee. The policy covers people in this group for a maximum of 2 years.

The policy is valid for travel directly between your home country and Sweden, and 24 hours a day in Sweden. The policy is also valid 24 hours a day within the Schengen Area if the insured person has a Schengen visa issued by the Swedish diplomatic mission (but not in their home country). The policy is only valid in Sweden if the insured person does not have a Schengen visa.

The policy covers: Emergency medical care, emergency dental care and part of personal private property.

The definition of emergency medical care in the policy terms is as follows:

“5.1 Emergency medical care

Treatment for a sudden medical condition which occurs suddenly during the period of insurance in Sweden, and for which the insured person must seek medical treatment within a few days. The term ‘emergency medical care’ is the same as the term ‘immediate medical care’ in Section 4 of the Health and Medical Services Act (1982:763). Medical care needed for an illness that occurs during the stay in Sweden and where care is needed as soon as possible for stomach ache or fever, for example, are examples of emergency medical care.”

Notifications of injury or claims for compensation are submitted via the Kammarkollegiet website. The university confirmation must be completed in the registration form, and this is done by the personnel administrators at the department. This confirmation merely indicates whether or not the person is covered by the policy. Kammarkollegiet makes the decision on whether compensation is to be paid.

Find out more about the insurance policy and the terms of the insurance on the website of Kammarkollegiet:

EU/EEA citizens who will be remaining in Sweden for LESS than 1 year

  • Medical care: EU/EEA citizens must apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC card) in their home country. This card provides access to the same conditions and costs for medical care in Sweden as are applicable to Swedish citizens. The insurance for foreign visitors covers emergency medical and dental care when they are working/staying in Sweden for less than one year.
  • Home insurance: The insurance for foreign visitors covers some personal belongings, but not all. The person is therefore advised to take out home insurance before entering Sweden so that they have full insurance cover for their personal belongings.
  • Accident insurance: The insurance for foreign visitors partially covers accidents.

EU/EEA citizens who will be remaining in Sweden for MORE than 1 year

  • Medical care: People who will be remaining in Sweden for more than one year will normally be registered by the Swedish Tax Agency and assigned a personal identity number. This makes them eligible for care for a patient fee. The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC card) can be used before a personal identity number is assigned.
  • Home insurance: Prospective employees are advised to take out home insurance before entering Sweden so that they have adequate insurance cover for their personal belongings. Employees who will be staying for more than 1 year can also take out home insurance after entering Sweden.
  • Accident insurance: Personal injury insurance does not apply if you are injured at home in your spare time. Employees need to take out private accident insurance if they are to be fully insured during their spare time.

Citizens from outside the EU/EEA who will be remaining in Sweden for LESS than 1 year

  • Medical care: The insurance for foreign visitors covers emergency medical and dental care when a person is working/staying in Sweden for less than one year. However, the policy does not cover planned care; in these cases, employees must pay the cost themselves.
  • Home insurance: The insurance for foreign visitors covers some personal belongings, but not all. The person is therefore advised to take out home insurance before entering Sweden so that they have full insurance cover for their personal belongings.
  • Accident insurance: The insurance for foreign visitors partially covers accidents. 

Citizens from outside the EU/EEA who will be remaining in Sweden for MORE than 1 year

  • Medical care: People who will be remaining in Sweden for more than one year will normally be registered by the Swedish Tax Agency and assigned a personal identity number. This makes them eligible for care for a patient fee.
  • Home insurance: Prospective employees are advised to take out home insurance before entering Sweden so that they have adequate insurance cover for their personal belongings. Employees who will be staying for more than 1 year can also take out home insurance after entering Sweden.
  • Accident insurance: Personal injury insurance does not apply if you are injured at home in your spare time. Employees need to take out private accident insurance if they are to be fully insured during their spare time.

Insurance for students, doctoral students and scholarship holders

Personal injury insurance for students

Students at state universities and colleges are insured during study hours and when travelling directly between their home and the place where they spend their study hours. The policy covers personal injuries due to accidents and certain cases of disease caused by infection.

Compensation is paid for medical care, medication, physiotherapy, medical travel and other expenses. You may also be awarded compensation for pain and suffering if your injury is permanent (in the event of medical disability), the policy covers loss of income, disability and permanent injury, as well as other expenses and inconvenience. Please note that this policy is only valid in Sweden.

Claims must be made on a special form that can be printed from the Kammarkollegiet website: Staff at the department or Division of Educational Affairs can sign the form to certify that the injured person is enrolled as a student at the university and that the injury occurred during study hours or while travelling directly between their home and the place where they spend their study hours.

Student IN

State insurance for foreign students in Sweden.

Many foreign students in Sweden do not have the opportunity to take out their own insurance to cover them for illness and accidents during their spare time. The Student IN policy provides foreign students with cover for medical expenses. It also includes a certain amount of accident cover in the form of fixed amounts in the event of disability or death, as well as liability cover and legal protection. Student IN is valid 24 hours a day in Sweden. Contact the Division of Educational Affairs for more information. The insurance terms can be found at

Student UT

State insurance for education abroad.

The Student UT policy is valid for education abroad. It provides insurance cover equivalent to the cover provided by the general student insurance policy, as well as travel insurance. This cover is valid 24 hours a day in the country in which the student is studying.

The Division of Educational Affairs administers insurance for students travelling into or out of Sweden through one of the agreements within its remit. Insurance for other students travelling abroad as part of their course (including internships and independent work/degree projects) is the responsibility of the department responsible for the course.

Contact the Division of Educational Affairs for more information. The insurance terms can be found at

Kammarkollegiet has developed an insurance app called försäkrad på resan, insured on the move. Please download this – it contains valuable information in case you are involved in an accident while you are abroad.


Students who pay tuition fees for studies at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, either themselves or through scholarships, are covered by the personal injury insurance policy for students, as well as by the insurance policy for fee-paying students, FAS+. FAS+ is only valid in Sweden and when travelling directly between Sweden and the country in which the insured person is resident when their studies begin or end. This insurance policy includes accident cover, cover for medical and dental care, liability cover and legal protection. Contact the Division of Educational Affairs for more information. The insurance terms can be found at

Medical insurance and parental insurance for doctoral students with scholarships

This insurance is known as “doctoral student insurance” and provides insurance coverage for doctoral students who are supporting themselves with the help of scholarships. This insurance policy will cover loss of the doctoral student’s scholarship due to absence from their studies, or if their studies are significantly delayed due to illness or parental leave. The policy will provide no entitlement to compensation if the doctoral student is entitled to equivalent compensation under another insurance policy.

Find out more about the insurance policy and the terms of the insurance on the Kammarkollegiet website:

Scholarship holders (doctoral students and postdoctoral students)

Scholarship holders (doctoral students and postdoctoral students) who do not receive a salary from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/are not employed by the university, but where their salary comes directly from their scholarships, are covered by the insurance policy for foreign visitors. Please note, they are not covered by life insurance or pension contributions as they are not employed by the university.

Doctoral students on scholarships are covered by medical insurance and parental insurance for doctoral students with scholarships, personal injury insurance for students and insurance for foreign visitors.

Postdoctoral students are covered by the insurance policy for foreign visitors for up to two years (see the description of insurance above). A person who will be registered in Sweden and get a Swedish personal identity number will be eligible for care for a patient fee and not need insurance cover for healthcare through Kammarkollegiet. Other parts of the insurance policy for foreign visitors will however continue to be valid while the person completes the postdoctoral by scholarship.

Accompanying family members of grant-funded postdoctoral students are not covered by the insurance policy for foreign visitors. Accompanying family members need to take out their own private comprehensive medical insurance. If the accompanying family members will be staying in Sweden for more than one year, they must apply for personal identity numbers so that the family is registered in Sweden and thus no longer needs private medical insurance. However, they will need private comprehensive medical insurance while their application for a personal identity number is being processed.

Student insurance and claims

See the student website for more information on student insurance and claims for students:

Other insurance policies

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences’ insurance policies with Kammarkollegiet

The university may not take out insurance other than with Kammarkollegiet. In other words, it is not possible to take out insurance of any kind with private insurance companies. The university has a number of different insurance policies with Kammarkollegiet. A brief description of what the various insurance policies cover is provided above. All insurance matters are handled from Karlstad, call +46 54 22 12 00 to contact the switchboard. For more detailed information on terms, what to do in the event of injury, etc., please see the Kammarkollegiet website:

Business insurance 

Business insurance covers property, consequential loss and liability and is taken out centrally. Contact Kammarkollegiet as soon as a loss has occurred.

State vehicle insurance

State vehicle insurance has been taken out centrally in respect of the motor insurance element. The premium is based on data in the vehicle register as of 1 February each year. No excess. Additional insurance of varying amounts can be taken out by the department. Each department is responsible for its own vehicles. Remember to report any road traffic incidents to Kammarkollegiet as soon as possible. It is always a good idea to have a few claim report forms in the vehicle. For more information, see the Kammarkollegiet website.

Special personal injury cover – Insurance for non-employees

For persons who are permanently resident in Sweden (have a Swedish personal identity number) and participate in the university activities there is an individual accident insurance: Special personal injury cover.

The university does not have a group insurance for this, but if a department feel there is a need to insure people by this policy they can contact Kammarkollegiet and take out the insurance for individual case. This may be the case, for example, if you work with contractors who are not employees or if there is a need to insure research subjects, trainees, professors emeritus or other persons who are not employees, students or scholarship holders at the university but who participate in activities at a department. For more information on special personal injury cover, see the Kammarkollegiet website

Student insurance FAQs for teachers and other staff at SLU

Our department will be hosting an international student. They will be on a placement/participating in activities at the department, but they will not be registered in Ladok. Will the student be insured?

International students on placements at SLU, who are not registered in Ladok, are covered by the insurance policy for foreign visitors. There are several insurance categories. Students on placements who are not registered in Ladok fall under category 1. Read more above under the heading: Insurance coverage for international staff and visitors.

International visitors are covered in Sweden, around the clock in the event of an accident or requiring emergency care. The policy includes liability cover. More information about the policy and its terms and conditions are available on Kammarkollegiet’s website. Terms and Conditions Insurance for foreign visitors 2021.

Students who are citizens of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland should bring their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by their home country. They must obtain the EHIC before arriving in Sweden. The card entitles the student to healthcare on the same terms and for the same fees as a permanent resident in Sweden.

How can my department arrange insurance for students going abroad to study on a course, work with their degree project or go on a placement?

If an SLU student will be spending time abroad as part of a course, their degree project or placement, there are two ways to take out the Student OUT insurance policy.

  1. Students will be covered by the Student OUT collective policy coordinated by the Division of Educational Affairs if they meet the following criteria:
    • There is a written agreement between SLU and the host abroad. The agreement includes the name of the student, the country they are travelling to, and the dates during which they will be abroad. The agreement must be between SLU and the host abroad (not between the student and host).
    • The student must be registered on a course in Ladok for the period they are abroad.
    • The studies or placement abroad must contribute credits to the SLU programme on which the student has been admitted.
  1. The department providing the course may take out and pay for individual Student OUT insurance from Kammarkollegiet if no written agreement is in place between SLU and the host abroad, or if the student is not registered in Ladok during the period they are abroad.

Information about the Student OUT insurance terms and conditions is available on Kammarkollegiet’s website. Outgoing exchange students (Student OUT) – Kammarkollegiet.

Read more about the procedures for work experience courses and placements (VFU) on the staff web.

Important information about insurance for outgoing students

The Student OUT policy is not valid in countries to which the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against all travel. If the Ministry has only advised against travel to a certain area of a country, the policy will not be valid in that area.

If a Swedish student will be travelling to an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, they should obtain a European health insurance card (EHIC) from Försäkringskassan before departure.

Information about the Student OUT insurance terms and conditions is available on Kammarkollegiet’s website. Outgoing exchange students (Student OUT) – Kammarkollegiet.

Is SLU obligated to insure students travelling abroad?

Consider what is reasonable for SLU to cover the insurance. Is the student’s travel necessary? SLU can insure the student if their travel is necessary.

Compilation of scenarios where a student travels abroad, which insurance policy applies and who is responsible for its administration

This is a compilation of different scenarios in which a student travels abroad, the applicable insurance policy, and who is responsible for its administration.


If you have any questions about insurance terms for Kammarkollegiet’s insurance policies, please contact the Legal Affairs Unit at 

If you have any questions relating to personal injury insurance or insurance for international employees, please contact Julia Damberg at the Division of Human Resources, or

If you have any questions regarding insurance cover for students, please contact the study and career guidance team at