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Food science

Food science includes product quality, vegetables, milk, meat and fish.

There are 38 pages tagged with Food science:

Food and Cities research funding workshop

urbanfutures@slu.se Horizon Europe is a major funder of research in Europe. Soon, a call on Creating Urban Co-Creation Spaces for Sustainable Food (HORIZON-CL6-2025-02-COMMUNITIES-04) will open,

Sofia Boqvist

sofia.boqvist@slu.se Sofia Boqvist's research focuses on risk assessment and management of foodborne and zoonotic infections within the field of veterinary public health. She studies how infections

Diss Solja Pietiäinen

Modification of wheat bran arabinoxylan extracts for functional properties in breadmaking charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Solja Pietiäinen defends her thesis "Modification of wheat bran arabinoxylan

NordCAW conference on Poultry Welfare

Välkommen att anmäla dig till årets NordCAW konferens med temat välfärd för fjäderfä som hålls på Ultuna den 13 november. NordCAW (Nordic Network for Communicating Animal Welfare) organizes an annual

Håkan is passionate for good food in the cities of the future

Håkan Jönsson is the new coordinator for Food and Cities, an initiative to develop and communicate research and education at the intersection of food and city at SLU. ”There will be major research

Diss Thomas Eliasson

From farm to cheese: Exploring the bacteria in the dairy value chain charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Thomas Eliasson defends his thesis "From farm to cheese: Exploring the bacteria in the dairy value

You never know the consequences of one conversation

“Humans are amazing! If you put them in a room and allow them to be who they are, allow them to bring all of themselves, not just their intellectual part, we hear wonderful stories. You never know

The Legume Factory

The plant-based protein market is growing both in Sweden and globally. A Swedish soybean production that meets the needs of Swedish plant protein for the food industry, and that is environmentally

Diss Niina Sundin

Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Niina Sundin defends her thesis "Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption" on

Workshop on plant breeding and methods

lisa.beste@slu.se SLU Grogrund is arranging a workshop on 28 May, 09:30 am – 3:00 pm with a focus on the latest methodology for use in plant breeding such as gene editing, high-throughput

Bridging disciplines through Urban Healthscapes

Urban Healthscapes is a useful concept to facilitate interdisciplinary research on health issues in urban settings. This was one of the key messages from a recent webinar arranged in collaboration

Diss Shishanthi Jayarathna

Novel starch types Molecular diversity for future applications charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Shishanthi Jayarathna defends her thesis "Novel starch types Molecular diversity for future applications" on
