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Wiebke Dürig

The aim of my doctoral project is to detect and identify unknown emerging organic pollutants in time-series of archived biological samples. The project is focused on developing a strategy for non-target screening in samples provided by the Environmental Specimen Bank of the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Naturhistoriska Riskmuséet) including marine, limnic and terrestrial species. The emerging organic pollutants will be prioritized based on their time trend, detection frequency, and levels. The analytical technique used is liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (QToF-MS).


2016: Multivariate data analysis for ecologists

2017: Multivariate data analysis for ecologists


- comparison of diazepam sorption to different fiber coatings in solid-phase microextraction (SPME)

- Passive sampling behavior in marine biota at the National Research Center for Environmental Toxicology in Brisbane (Australia) in the Source and Fate of Micropollutants group

- non-target screening of emerging contaminants in biota (white-tailed sea eagle, fish, mink, etc.) by means of liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (QToF-MS).


I completed my bachelor's degree in Chemistry (Crime Science) at Saxion University of Applied Science (the Netherlands). In 2012 I started my master's degree in Toxicology and Environmental Health at the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands). During my major research project in my master's degree, I focused on the comparison of diazepam sorption to different fiber coatings in solid-phase microextraction (SPME). From January till August 2014 I was a trainee at the National Research Center for Environmental Toxicology in Brisbane (Australia) in the Source and Fate of Micropollutants group to extend my knowledge on passive sampling behavior in marine biota and finalized my master studies. I commenced a Ph.D. candidate position at the SLU in November 2014 to extend my knowledge on non-target analytical methods to detect emerging compounds in biota samples.

Selected publications

Wiebke Dürig, Aaron Kintzi, Oksana Golovko, Karin Wiberg, Lutz Ahrens. New extraction method prior to screening of organic micropollutants in various biota matrices using liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Talanta 219:121294.

Wiebke Dürig, Rikard Tröger, Patrik L. Andersson, Aleksandra Rybacka, Stellan Fischer, Karin Wiberg, Lutz Ahrens. Development of a suspect screening prioritization tool for organic compounds in water and biota. Chemosphere. 222:904-912.

Laura Gobelius, Johanna Hedlund, Wiebke Dürig, Rikard Tröger, Karl Lilja, Karin Wiberg, and Lutz Ahrens. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances in Swedish Groundwater and Surface Water: Implications for Environmental Quality Standards and Drinking Water Guidelines. 2018. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52:4340-4349.

Ande Rostvall, Wen Zhang, Wiebke Dürig, Gunno Renman, Karin Wiberg, Lutz Ahrens, Pablo Gago-Ferrero. Removal of pharmaceuticals, perfluoroalkyl substances and other micropollutants from wastewater using lignite, Zylit, sand, granular activated carbon (GAC) and GAC+Polonite in column tests- Role of physiochemical properties. 2018. Water Research 137:97-106

Wiebke Dürig, Idriss Blakey, Sharon Grant, Lewis Chambers, Beate I. Escher, Liesbeth Weijs, and Caroline Gaus. New Polymer Passive Sampler for Sensitive Biomonitoring of Lipid-Rich Matrices. 2016. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 3: 52–56

Helena Sales-Ortells, Xavier Fernandez-Cassi, Natàlia Timoneda, Wiebke Dürig, Rosina Girones, Gertjan Medema. 2015. Health risks derived from consumption of lettuces irrigated with tertiary effluent containing norovirus. Food Research International 68:70–77



Lutz Ahrens, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment , SLU.

Karin Wiberg, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment , SLU.

Oksana Golovko, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU.

Anders Bignert, Naturhistorika Riksmuséet, Stockholm.

Peter Haglund, Miljö- och biogeokemi, Umeå universitet, Umeå.
