CV page

Mateusz Grzeszkiewicz

Mateusz Grzeszkiewicz
PhD student working with forest growth modeling for Continuous Cover Forestry.


I am a first-year PhD student in the Department of Forest Resource Management (SRH). My research focuses on forest growth modeling for Continuous Cover Forestry. Specifically, my initial study involves assessing the performance of current Swedish models of tree recruitment, growth, and mortality in stands managed with the selection system. My PhD project is part of E-Tools, a broader initiative aimed at providing knowledge and decision support for alternative forest management strategies.

Broadly speaking, I have a keen interest in forest management methods, with particular emphasis on alternative approaches, as well as their multifaceted impact on the ecosystem, economy, and society. Recently, I have also developed a fascination with forest growth modeling, recognizing their remarkable utility. I am currently dedicating myself to expanding my expertise in empirical modeling and enhancing my understanding of statistical methods as I progress with my PhD project.



2022 - MSc in Forest Science at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • as a part of the Euroforester program

2019 - BSc in Forestry at Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Previous employment:

2022/06 – 2023/10 - seasonal worker and subsequently field technician at the SLU Unit for Field-based Forest Research, Vindeln


Doctoral Student at the Department of Forest Resource Management; Division of Forest Resource Analysis
Telephone: +46907868417
Postal address:
Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning
Avdelningen för skoglig resursanalys
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd, Umeå