CV page

Laura Chevaux


My research interests are mainly focused on plant community ecology. I am currently working on modelling the species colonization-extinction dynamics of boreal forest plant communities in response to changing forest and climatic conditions. I am keen to include functional traits of species in my studies. Previously, I have worked on vegetation (bryophytes and vascular plants) in temperate forests, including its interactions with forest management and natural tree regeneration.


Actual project : Post-doctoral position on modelling species community dynamics given forest and climate scenarios 


2018-2022: PhD Student in French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) in in Forest Ecosystems Research Unit (EFNO) (France) – Supervisors: P. Balandier and A. Mårell.

Selected publications

L. Chevaux, A. Mårell, C. Baltzinger, V. Boulanger, S. Cadet, R. Chevalier, N. Debaive, Y. Dumas, M. Gosselin, F. Gosselin, A. Rocquencourt, Y. Paillet. “Management, ungulates and biodiversity: Effects of stand structure and ungulates on understory vegetation in managed and unmanaged forests” Ecological Applications (2022) -

L. Chevaux, (2022). Effets des bryophytes sur les microsites de régénération forestière en climat tempéré: implications pour la régénération naturelle de Pinus sylvestris et Quercus petraea en forêt mélangée (Thesis manuscript (mostly in French))

In progress :
L. Chevaux, Y. Dumas, F. Laroche, M. Gosselin, A. Mårell, P. Balandier. “Direct and indirect effects of bryophytes on the survival and growth of forest regeneration” 

